Monday 30 April 2012

Inflatable INF15

Not the best weather for installing yesterday, but having finally completed my new breathing inflatable INF15 for the exhibition Flora and Fauna at Burghley Sculpture Garden, time was pressing.

The piece cyclically inflates and deflates, and it is intriguing that in the deflate cycle the bulbous ends collaps in on themselves along the main seam to resemble shells. An interesting thing about the work in situ, is the drama that unfolds when the wind gets up, as each of the tendrils attempts to gain ascendancy over the others. A dynamic ballet cum struggle between the seemingly animate forms occurs. The sculpture is a bit of a departure when compared to the outdoor inflatables made to date, which have tended to be singular forms, whereas this piece is more divergent and plural. Something to be furthered; probably with the piece I’m thinking about for a forthcoming show at Chelsea Physic Garden in London during the summer. Below is the statement I have written about this piece for the exhibition catalogue.


The sculpture’s geometry and movement is partially defined by the elements, in particular the wind. Itself the result of differing air pressures due to the earth’s movement and the thermal consequences of the sun’s energy. INF15’s otherworldly qualities are driven by these cosmic occurrences, whereas its underlying form is indicative of grow and growths; with buds of unknown origin or outcome seemingly coming to fruition. A struggle mirrored by the protrusions kinetic fighting.

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